SOLID stands for five design principles: Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion.
When harnessed correctly, these principles steer you towards creating software that is maintainable, extendable, and scalable—software that isn't a nightmare to work on when requirements change or the application grows.
Let's consider applying these principles to Rust.
In Rust, just like any language, writing clean and robust code is imperative. Perhaps you're crafting a module that handles user authentication. To adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle, you would make sure this module only deals with authentication and nothing else—certainly not user profile management or generating analytics reports.
In the snippet above, the `Authenticator` struct has one job: to authenticate users.
As for the Open/Closed Principle, Rust's use of traits allows you to extend functionality without modifying existing code. Imagine you have a payment processing system. You can define a trait for payment and implement it for various payment methods.
Next, one of Rust's core tenets, safety, particularly around memory management and thread safety, ties in closely with the Liskov Substitution Principle. This principle states that objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of a subclass without breaking the application. Rust's enforcement of certain behaviors through its type system and borrow checker can ensure that a substituted type upholds the expected behavior without risking memory safety.
For Interface Segregation, Rust's trait system again provides an elegant solution. You can define small, specific traits instead of big, do-it-all interfaces that classes must implement, which fits perfectly with Rust's philosophy of composability and fine-grained control.
Lastly, Dependency Inversion in Rust can be achieved by depending on abstractions (like traits) rather than concrete implementations. This is best observed in Rust's pervasive use of generics, which allows the same function or structure to be parameterized for different types.
struct Logger<T: LogWriter> {
writer: T,
impl<T> Logger<T>
T: LogWriter,
fn log(&self, message: &str) {
trait LogWriter {
fn write_log(&self, message: &str);
struct ConsoleWriter;
impl LogWriter for ConsoleWriter {
fn write_log(&self, message: &str) {
println!("{}", message);
In this example, `Logger` doesn't know about the concrete implementation of `LogWriter` it will be used with, allowing for flexible and testable code.
In conclusion, embracing SOLID principles could be as crucial for a programmer as a reliable business model is for a startup. Startups leverage technology and innovation, and they face challenges requiring scalable and adaptable solutions. Similarly, programmers use SOLID to tackle the intricacies of designing software that stands the test of time. Like economic strategies for success, SOLID is about mastering the art of crafting code in a way that pays dividends—maintainable, scalable, and trouble-free for future iterations. It’s a strategic play, and when it comes to systems programming with Rust, it’s one that aligns well with the language’s strengths in safety and concurrency.
S: Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
Consider the idea of having just one reason for something to exist or change. In the software world, that's the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). It's a bit like saying a baker should only bake, or a printer should only print. Now let's apply this to Rust, a language that’s as sharp and reliable as the tools in a mechanic's shop.
Take a Rust struct named `User`. It might start out with fields for storing a user's name, email, and other personal data—a user profile, if you will. But what if it also deals with saving that user to a database? That’s where things can get tangled. Look:
struct User {
name: String,
email: String,
// more fields
impl User {
fn save(&self) {
// code to save the user to a database
Here, `User` is handling its own data, sure, but it's also dealing with database operations. What if we need to change the database schema or switch to a new way of storing data? Our `User` struct now has two reasons to change, which goes against the essence of SRP.
In Rust, we can make our code more modular and maintainable by breaking things up. The aim is to isolate different responsibilities into separate elements. It keeps your codebase cleaner, just as a smartly organized toolbox makes finding the right wrench a breeze.
Let's refactor `User` to address only the domain of user information. We can then introduce a new module or struct that takes care of persistence. Like this:
struct User {
name: String,
email: String,
// More fields related only to user's information
struct UserRepository;
impl UserRepository {
fn save(user: &User) {
// code to save the user to a database
Now `User` is just a plain structure with data. On the other side, `UserRepository` is like a specialized mechanic—its sole job is to handle the nitty-gritty of saving users, nothing more. If the database acts up, you’ll be under the hood of `UserRepository`, not messing with the clean simplicity of your `User` struct.
By keeping structs focused on one task in Rust, we make sure each piece of our codebase has a clear purpose. When things change, and they will, we can work on just the part that needs it without worrying that tightening one bolt will loosen another elsewhere. It’s a way of writing code that keeps it as easy to read and maintain as a well-drawn map. Just like you'd break down a big goal into smaller tasks, SRP keeps the complexity of software from spiraling, ensuring each component is a master of one trade, not a clumsy jack of all trades.
O: Open/Closed Principle (OCP)
The essence of the Open/Closed Principle is rather straightforward: write your code so that you can add new functionality without messing with the existing stuff. It's like adding new books to a shelf without having to rebuild the shelf itself. In Rust, this is where traits come into their own, providing a way to define common interfaces.
Imagine you're crafting a system which needs to process various shapes. Initially, you have a `Circle` and a `Square`. As your system evolves, someone asks for triangles. Rather than rework your existing logic, you define a `Shape` trait with a method `draw`. Now, any shape that fulfills the `Shape` trait can be handled using the same code path.
Here's a mini look at how this might play out in Rust:
trait Shape {
fn draw(&self);
struct Circle {
radius: f64,
impl Shape for Circle {
fn draw(&self) {
// Code to draw a circle
struct Square {
side: f64,
impl Shape for Square {
fn draw(&self) {
// Code to draw a square
struct Triangle {
base: f64,
height: f64,
impl Shape for Triangle {
fn draw(&self) {
// Code to draw a triangle
Later, when a `Triangle` walks into the picture, we simply make it play nice with the `Shape` trait:
let shapes: Vec<Box<dyn Shape>> = vec![
Box::new(Circle { radius: 5.0 }),
Box::new(Square { side: 3.0 }),
Box::new(Triangle { base: 4.0, height: 3.0 }),
for shape in shapes {
Now, to the eye of your processing logic, it's all just shapes. This keeps your system open to new kinds of shapes but closed to changes in the processing of shapes.
Rust really shines with its generic programming capabilities. You might think of generics as being like one of those universal phone chargers. As long as the end fits your phone (or in the case of Rust, as long as the type implements the trait you specify), you can charge (or use) any phone (or type) with it.
Let's say you have a cache and want it to work with any data type. It's simple - generics to the rescue:
struct Cache<T: Shape> {
data: HashMap<String, T>,
impl<T: Shape> Cache<T> {
fn new() -> Self {
Cache {
data: HashMap::new(),
fn add(&mut self, key: String, shape: T) {, shape);
fn draw_shapes(&self) {
for shape in {
This `Cache` struct is indifferent to the type of `Shape` it holds. You can extend your system's capabilities without having to adjust the `Cache`. This follows the Open/Closed Principle to a T, allowing you to work with any new shape that might come along in the future.
Achieving OCP through traits and generics in Rust allows you to craft flexible and reusable code that handles a variety of types with zero fuss about their internals. It's creating a playground where all kids can swing and slide, irrespective of where they come from or what shoes they're wearing. Such a thoughtful design promotes longevity and adaptability, vital to the sustainability and growth of your codebase, much like the right strategy is to a thriving startup.
L: Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) forms a fundamental theory in the world of software engineering, drawing a line in the sand regarding the use of inheritance. It insists that if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T in a program may be replaced with objects of type S without altering any of the desirable properties of that program. To borrow an analogy—if you consider a bird that can fly, any subtype of this bird should also sail through the skies with equal grace. If it can't, well, it shouldn't really be winging under that category.
In Rust, we apply the same logic. Our code establishes contracts through traits and, just as important, insists that these contracts remain unbroken. This strategy pays off in the day-to-day mechanics of programming. It keeps unexpected behavior out of our systems and ensures that our abstractions don't leak more than an old faucet.
Let’s put our principle into practice with some Rust.
trait Vehicle {
fn accelerate(&self);
// Other vehicle behaviors
struct ElectricCar {
battery_level: u8,
impl Vehicle for ElectricCar {
fn accelerate(&self) {
// ElectricCar's implementation of accelerate
if self.battery_level > 20 {
println!("The electric car accelerates silently!");
} else {
println!("Low battery, can't accelerate!");
// Implementations of other vehicle behaviors
With the above example, `ElectricCar` has keyed into the `Vehicle` trait. It now pledges to uphold the trait's interface. This means that anywhere a `Vehicle` might cruise through the code, an `ElectricCar` can plug itself in seamlessly without the program bucking or stalling.
Rust's compiler is like a stern librarian—it doesn't let you get away with messy contracts. Rust’s traits and their associated trait bounds work as the enforcers here, ensuring any derived type like `ElectricCar` sticks to the script laid out by base types, such as `Vehicle`. It's Rust's way of telling you, "I trust you'll behave because I'm checking up on you."
This approach isn't just about error checking—it's a philosophy that cascades into the broader ecosystem of your code. It imbues it with the potential for flexibility, allowing you to tender new implementations to satisfy the same old appetites.
For developers, this means less rework and fewer errors. For the application, it means stability. If all this sounds somewhat like the guiding hand in an orderly society, that's because it is. Just as commerce relies on trust and the following of rules, software relies on the predictable interchangeability of its parts.
In the Rust world, you rarely stumble accidentally into violating LSP. The language's type system stands guard, making Rust not just a tool, but a teacher. It instills in us good practices, almost like a mentor moulding a promising novice, ensuring that as developers, we consider the implications of our inheritance hierarchies and their impact on the code's future behavior. This produces systems that do what we expect, and more importantly, continue to do so as they evolve.
Adhering to LSP adds pearls of wisdom to our code, making it robust, reliable, and as predictable as the paths we set it on. It's about writing code that doesn’t just work today but keeps pace and stays in line as it marches into the future—a codebase not burdened by the weight of its own complexity and that welcomes change with an accommodating smile.
I: Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
Think of the times when you only needed a simple tool, say a screwdriver, but what you had was a fully featured, yet heavy, multi-tool. Sure, it can be helpful, but often it's an overkill when all you seek is to tighten a screw. The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) is the programming equivalent of preferring a simple, lightweight tool for a job over a Swiss Army knife. It states that no client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use. It's a principle that promotes clarity of purpose and minimalism.
In Rust, this principle shines through the use of traits. A trait in Rust is a collection of methods defined for an unknown type: `Self`. They are akin to what some other languages would call interfaces. Rust encourages crafting multiple, smaller, more focused traits rather than fewer, bulkier ones. Let's take a quick look at an example:
trait Printer {
fn print(&self);
trait Scanner {
fn scan(&self);
struct Document;
struct MultiFunctionPrinter {
// Fields that help in printing and scanning
impl Printer for MultiFunctionPrinter {
fn print(&self) {
// Code to print document
impl Scanner for MultiFunctionPrinter {
fn scan(&self) {
// Code to scan document
struct BasicPrinter {
// Fields that help only in printing
impl Printer for BasicPrinter {
fn print(&self) {
// Code to print document
fn main() {
let mfp = MultiFunctionPrinter {};
let bp = BasicPrinter {};
bp.print(); // BasicPrinter does not need to implement or know about scanning.
By segregating the `Printer` and `Scanner` functionalities into distinct traits, we can avoid what could be a bulky `MultiFunctionDevice` trait, which would have included the `scan` method, too. With ISP, Rust makes it clear that `BasicPrinter` need not worry about implementing a `scan` function that it will never use. Each trait thus serves one clear purpose.
The value of this is not just theoretical. It creates a codebase that is easier to navigate, understand, and maintain. You can improve the scanning feature without touching the printing code, a direct application of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) mentioned earlier. It's also more efficient for testing, letting you mock just the features you're interested in. When you consider how interfaces influence the architecture of your system, this principle ushers in a form of economy in your design, shedding unnecessary weight.
Like startups that focus on solving one problem excellently rather than many poorly, Rust traits and ISP push you to create components with specific expertise. Focused, well-defined boundaries around functionalities bring about better codebases, much like how successful startups often pivot until they find a business model that aligns perfectly with a specific market need.
In adhering to ISP, you're reducing the pain points your future self, or someone else, might face when they adapt your system to the inevitable changes of the future. The code you write today must stand the test of time, and principles like ISP are the tools to ensure it can. Rust's emphasis on explicitness and its powerful type system provide a perfect canvas to practice ISP, creating legible, maintainable code that echoes the economic clarity of a startup's business model.
D: Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) wraps up our exploration of SOLID principles with a rule that flips traditional software design on its head. DIP states that high-level modules, which contain the complex logic of an application, should not rely directly on low-level modules, like the components that interact with the database or network. Instead, both should lean on abstractions.
In Rust, traits are the tool of choice to create these abstractions. They let you define the behavior you expect without dictating how that behavior is achieved. Combine this with dependency injection, which involves passing trait objects into functions or structs, and you've got a solid approach for inverting your dependencies. By designing this way, you maintain a decoupled and flexible architecture that can easily be tested and maintained.
Consider a `MessageSender` trait that abstracts the way messages are sent:
trait MessageSender {
fn send(&self, message: &str);
Low-level modules then might be an `EmailSender` or `SmsSender`, each implementing `MessageSender`:
struct EmailSender;
struct SmsSender;
impl MessageSender for EmailSender {
fn send(&self, message: &str) {
// Logic for sending an email
println!("Sending email: {}", message);
impl MessageSender for SmsSender {
fn send(&self, message: &str) {
// Logic for sending an SMS
println!("Sending SMS: {}", message);
A high-level module, say, a `NotificationService`, shouldn’t care about the details of how messages are sent. It would define a function that accepts anything with the `MessageSender` trait:
struct NotificationService<T: MessageSender> {
message_sender: T,
impl<T: MessageSender> NotificationService<T> {
fn notify(&self, message: &str) {
Here, `NotificationService` relies on the `MessageSender` abstraction. It doesn't care if it's sending emails, SMS messages, or any other form of message so long as the sender adheres to the trait. We invert the dependency by constructing a `NotificationService` with a specific implementation:
fn main() {
let email_sender = EmailSender;
let notifier = NotificationService { message_sender: email_sender };
notifier.notify("Hello, World!");
// Output: Sending email: Hello, World!
In essence, DIP in Rust encourages you to write code that depends on traits, not concrete implementations. Just as a startup is wise not to place all its bets on a specific technology or market niche but to remain agile and responsive to change, so should software design not tether itself to specific, low-level modules. With DIP, you ensure your applications are resilient, modular, and prepared for whatever shifts might come—be they new requirements, technologies, or unforeseen circumstances.
By mastering the DIP alongside the other SOLID principles, developers can craft systems that stand strong like the most admirable of startups—nimble yet resilient, tailored to their task yet adaptable to the unexpected shifts of the market.
By using SOLID principles, Rust programmers lay a strong foundation, not just for creating apps but for building systems that scale and grow.